MPMC Teleconference Dec 8th 2016

MPMC has informed us that they will be providing a further teleconference, to have question answered on the October 20th 2016 Technical Assessment Report (TAR).
Apparently after the November 15th 2016 teleconference they learned that many local people had not been aware of the call.
This allows for another opportunity to try and get your questions answered. The notice states that it is helpful to MPMC to have your questions in advance, send to
The call details are as follows-
Thu, Dec 8, 2016 7:00 PM - 9':00 PM PST
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone. Canada: .. 1 (647) 497-9372
Access Code: 934-538-237
First GoToMeeting? Try a test session:
I will make one comment about the notice, at the very end MPMC has added 2 paragraphs about their involvement in the local communities, it reads
" The Mount Polley Mine is proud to be a source of jobs for many of the residents of local communities in the Cariboo, and a source of business opportunities for manyenterprises in the area. We are also proud of our successful partnerships with the two First Nations in this area: namely the Williams Lake Indian Band and the Soda Creek Indian Band (Xatsull First Nahon). We want to continue to be a key contributor to the local economy and to protect the local environment in which we all live, work and play.
We have used what we believe is the best applicable technology in our proposed water management plan. This plan will allow the Mount Polley Mine to continue to operate safely and remain protective of the environment. We have included some background information in the form of a "Q&A" attached at the end of this letter. If you have any additional questions about the water discharge plan, please consider participating in the teleconference on December 8,2016, and please send us your questions in advance. We look forward to connecting with you in the coming weeks."