MPMC 2016 Quarter 4 Report
This report is part of the permit 11678 requirements- CEMP ( Comprehensive Environmental Monitoring Plan) published on February 14th 2017 Click here for the Q4 Report
The area of concern is toxicity testing at HAC12 for C.Dubia (Ceridaphnia Dubia) reproduction IC25 ( IC = Inhibition concentrations). The samples were taken on Oct 24th 2016 and retested in January 2017 ( which we don't have the results )- Page 2, third papargraph
What is C. dubia.- Ceriodaphnia Dubia is a water flea used in toxicity testing of waste water treatment plant effluent. They form a significant potion of the diet of numerous fish species including young salmonids. Toxicity of the effluent is gauged on survival rates of C.dubia or LC- lethal concentrations.
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Appendix 5 Page 203 says, " adverse effects were observed on reproduction of C.dubia, resulting in IC25 and IC50 values of 60.5 and 93.8% respectively. There were no adverse effects on embryo viability of rainbow trout, the EC ( effective Concentrations) values were >100%."
Appendix 5 Page 204, Table 5 references the test results on rainbow trout.
I have checked all my data collecting and nothing refers to this testing or results. The only issues on October 2016, were high levels of nitrates at HAD03 ( end of the water treatment plant), but they were within permit limits. We have no details of any inspections by the MOE as a consequence of this testing and we are unable to find anything on the DFO site.
Our concern yet again is the time it takes for us to see these results as the MOE seems to continually extend reporting time lines. Also results are buried within lengthy documents.
For ease of reading , see the Appendix List below
#1- pages 4- 103
#2- pages 104- 116
#3- pages 117- 127
#4- pages 128- 130
#5- pages 131- 253
#6- pages 254- 268
#7- pages 269 to 270