Copper Limits Averaged for Quesnel Lake

On May 5th 2017 the BC Ministry of Environment published a letter sent to MPMC regarding the copper limits for Quesnel Lake.
The letter was being sent in response to "information recently brought to the MOE's attention by MPMC regarding potential background fluctuations in total copper concentrations".
We have no idea what that information is or the implications.
Based on this comment the MOE has " specified an averaging period for the purpose of determining compliance with the total copper standard for the Edge of Quesnel Lake Initial Dilution Zone (IDZ)".
So what does this mean?
Averaging can often result in maximum pollution levels. The current maximum value for the Copper in the IDZ is 2.2ug/L.
We have contacted the BC MOE and asked for clarification on this issue and what exactly this letter means.
Click Here for a copy